Thursday, December 01, 2005

Who am I?

So, after looking back, I realized that I have never formally introduced myself, or explained what the title of my blog means. My mom always called me Princess PITA (pain in the ass) whenever I was being difficult (which is most of the time. Now my husband has picked up the nickname. Lucky me), so I just changed it a little. I am very proud of my Irish decent (not sure how much Irish blood is running through me...Actually that's kinda gross. Never mind), so the title of my blog means Irish Princess. I probably got the grammar wrong, which wouldn't surprise me in the slightest. I also can't pronounce it to save my life, I can guess, but usually parts of the words get stuck in my mouth and beg to be released.

I helped the cousin move his mattress last night on the promise that he would clean my apartment and buy me coffee (he knows my greatest weakness. The coffee, not the apartment). He offered, so I excepted. We drove (actually, I drove) to what he thought was an abandoned building where he had to leave the mattress after fighting with it first with a hand truck, and then with a shopping cart (the mattress won both times, but he made a good effort). He walked from the building to my apartment with the offer of a clean apartment and coffee if I would help him the rest of the way. I agreed, turned off my game of Age of Empires (okay, so I'm a geek at heart. That game is fun) and we drove to the building. While he was dragging the mattress (it still seemed to have quite a lot of fight left in it, because it sounded like he was trying to beat it into submission), a van pulled into the parking area we were in, and an older man proceeded to question as to why I was there. I'm not sure how much he understood, since he was probably Chinese or Japanese, and he just nodded, parked his van and started walking around the building. I assume he works there or something, because he disappeared, but the van stayed. Cousin started tying the mattresses into the bed of my truck (we had to figure out some way to get my tailgate to stay closed since the mattress is a little longer than the bed of my truck. Ultimately we failed), and after about ten or so minutes of watching him tie everything, I got out of my truck and informed him that we're just going a few blocks, not a few miles, and that it should be fine to just loop the rope over the tailgate to try to hold it closed. All in all, it was quite an adventure. And by adventure, I mean a royal pain.

Had the weirdest dreams the last couple of nights. I'm not sure why, but last night I drempt that I was driving a vehicle that was a lot bigger on the inside than it was on the outside, and I was following this other van on the highway. Something on the back door of the van broke off, and they were spewing gas all over the place. I remember shouting "Not on my car!", and all of a sudden, the stream of gas arched more and hit the hood of my car. More on the other dream later. I must go and glaze my mask for my myths class before it's too late.



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