Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Random news

Himself, the Cousin and myself all went to the Midnight Madness for the final Harry Potter book the other night. Himself and I finished the book already (I cried so many times. Yeah, I'm a baby), and it has a very satisfying ending.

We've been house-hunting for a couple of weeks now, and we found one we really like (granted we've only seen one house, but it's pretty nice). It's very small on the outside, but not bad on the inside. Pretty much anything would be bigger that where we live now. We just need to get pre-approved to find out how much we can actually spend on our house and then we'll be on the lookout for something nice (for a first home).

Short post today, just got off work and I'm beat. I think I'm going to take a bubble bath now...



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