Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Holiday Hell

I really hate working this time of year because of all the crazy people out there who think they're entitled to everything they want.

I work with a couple of people like that. They drive me nuts.

I have decided to look for a new job, but still keep the old one. I realized that there is no way I'm going to advance in the company I'm in (they don't promote managers from within the company, they bring new ones in), and a friend told me about her company (a chain of local drugstores). She was promoted to the head of the photo department within a couple of months of working there, so they obviously believe in promoting from within.

Very short update. More later.



Blogger Writer-Savant said...

I have the title for the seventh Harry Potter book: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows. I just thought I would pass that along.

12:47 AM  

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