Tuesday, December 06, 2005

That time of year again...

I guess its more that time of fall again. Finals time for this quarter. I'm pretty sure I have all my finals on one day (aren't I a lucky one), but I'm not sure anymore. Lady of the Math asked us when we wanted to take the final (and where, which makes me wonder about her sometimes). If we take it on the day we're scheduled, we have to come into class and take it, but we get more than one sheet of notes. If we take it on the day she had on the calendar for this quarter, then we only get one sheet of notes, but we have all day to take it (well, unless we have two more finals that day, then we have about half the day to take it). Personally I'm all for taking the final in the classroom if it means more notes.

This is the time of year I start my holiday baking (aka, making a mess in Mom's kitchen, but making really good cookies in the process.), and this year I decided to start teaching my younger brothers (my minions) how to do everything. I'm a little worried about Middle Minion's math though. He informed me that .5 equals 1/5, and he was having the hardest time adding simple fractions. This is coming from a 10th grader (although it's better than having a high school graduate inform me that she doesn't have to be teached, and who insisted that she vacumed after closing for the night. Please, not in public) He did correct himself after awhile, but it was still quite amusing to hear him bumbling over the fractions (what is 1/2 plus 1/2 plus 1/2? Oh! Oh! I know! 3!).

Well another short post. Have to get everything ready for tomorrow. One of my instructors decided that since I was gone (and learning. My trip was educational), I could come up with some sort of presentation for the class covering the various myths and legends of Krakow. It's actually going to be pretty cool. I'm going to get some posterboard and tape some pictures of Krakow on it along with a legend that goes with the picture. Now all I have to do is print out the legends and I'm good to go.



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