Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Hard day

Monday was a tough day for work. If I recall correctly, last year was tough too. It wasn't because of 9/11 or anything like that (or maybe it was. Maybe it's the whole full moon theory. People act crazy on full moons and 9/11). We were booked solid through the morning, and we still had people coming in, begging to get their pictures taken. We had to tell them that it would be at least a 2 hour waiting period (that was made longer since our machine was deciding to take a day off). Some were okay with that, but most of them were a little angry ("We came all the way down from X city! We have to get these pictures today!"), and they let us know just how angry about the wait they were.

It's the last days of our contest, and Saturday is going to be really busy! Saturday is the last day of the contest, and most of the parents of the 'Little Darlings' waited until the last minute. We're still getting calls for a morning appointment on Friday or Saturday. Sorry, not going to happen.

I'm supposed to have a 'conversation' with Former Big Green Friend (as far as I know he is still big and green, but he is no longer my friend. Himself is still willing to hang out with him, but I'm not. Long story), but we're not sure when. Himself is the only person FBGF will talk to (at least on-line), so I have to wait until he's off work before he can check his e-mail to find out the day and time. We were supposed to talk yesterday, but FBGF said that he didn't know how to get to the meeting place (he's been there several times, but whatever). Ug. I really hate drama.

Miss Thang has taken to sleeping on top of me when I go to bed (she'll actually wait until I go to bed sometimes. Other times she'll sleep on my side of the bed and wait for me), and Little Princess likes the box that Himself used to get an X-Box home. He got the X-Box from a co-worker who got the newest one. He just gave it to Himself (actually there were two consoles, so we gave Cousin one of them), and now the cats have a new place to sleep and play. Miss Thang likes to 'hunt' Little Princess (it's not that hard to hunt something that doens't move much) while she's in the box, and Little Princess likes to sleep in it.

Just the other day one of my co-workers did a sitting with three kids and 10 puppies. They were all so cute! There were a bunch of poses that I thought were fantastic, but the mom only got a couple of pictures (they weren't keeping any of the puppies). Still, we get to use the pictures in our store.

Well, that's about it for today. Payday is coming up, so I get to buy my math book (school starts in about two weeks) and my clothes for Kick-Boxing. Whee.



Blogger Karen said...

Thankfully the big green dummy doesn't visit your blog, or if he does, he doesn't post comments. I'd go all "mom" on him and send him on a scavenger hunt for his balls.

Mommy has had a rough week. Shopping tomorrow after work is a good thing.

5:07 PM  
Blogger Morrigan Le Fey said...

You might have to stand in line for the sending him off on a scavenger hunt thing. It may take a while, since someone with his size ego can't have very

I have no idea if he reads my blog or not, but I really don't think so. He couldn't find his way out of a cardboard box, let alone my blog. ;o)

Shopping will be good.


9:11 PM  

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