Tuesday, September 05, 2006

My Scottish/Irish Roots

During one visit to the Manor, Mom and I got into a heritage discussion. I was under the impression that we were mostly Irish (being special, I am also half Norwegian. The Minions are not), but I found out that I'm also Scottish. That made Himself happy, and now he is bound and determined to find my clan's tartan so I can wear it proudly next year at the Scottish Highland Games and Clan Gathering. I actually have two clans, since I am part Irish, so I have to figure out a way to put both tartans on (probably just on a scarf or something to hold my hair back). I always felt a little out of place at the Highland Games, since I didn't think I had a clan (I'm still not sure if I have a clan at the games or not, but it'll be fun to check), but now I know I do!

Miss Thang is finally done with her second heat (this one was a lot shorter than the first one, but I still don't have the money to get her fixed until Himself gets paid), and now she sleeps on top of me at night. This usually isn't so bad, since I don't move around that much, but when I do, she digs her (recently clipped) claws into the blanket to let me know just how unamused she is.

Himself is working almost 50 hours this week (I think I mentioned this before), and he's already feeling it. We both have tomorrow off, so we plan on spending it doing nothing. Actually we're going to swim with the Cousin, but for the most part, we have no major plans.

Well, that's about it. I'll try to post again soon. School starts soon, and I'm actually looking forward to it. Even the Kickboxing class!



Blogger Karen said...

Your Irish mother would like to talk to you. Sooner, rather than later.

8:20 PM  
Blogger Morrigan Le Fey said...

I have tomorrow off, so maybe I'll stop by in the afternoon when you get off work. Either that or e-mail me.

I'll try to call you today before I start work.


2:17 PM  

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