Sunday, August 20, 2006

Beginning to loose my mind

I have been working for the past 6 days in a row, and it's starting to affect my mind!

Whoever said (this would be one of my co-workers) pre-teens would be an easy portrait sitting needs to share whatever drugs she was smoking. The sisters didn't want to get close to each other (I personally don't mind standing close to my siblings), and when I told them how to sit, I got the 'are you serious' look coupled with the 'oh, hell no!' look. All I wanted was for them to sit next to each other, it's not like I asked them to kiss each other for the picture! The sitting started on a bad foot anyway, because they wanted the back room (it's bigger, and most people like the fact that they're not on display. The front room is right in the front of the store with windows facing the rest of the mall), but one of the other girls I work with was using it for another family. I told the sisters in my sitting that they could wait, but I wasn't sure how much longer the other family would be. They opted for the front room, but dragged their feet every time I asked them to do something. I had just finished with a very difficult sitting, and I was beginning to loose the patience that one parent praised so much. I finally got the sitting done, and it turned out okay, but I was more than happy that it was actually done. The mother did nothing to get her children to behave (she just sat there watching the whole thing). Maybe she thought they were behaving.

On a less work-note, Miss Thang is finally done screeching out the window for a male cat. Himself and I are going to get her fixed either later this coming week or next week (he and I are both working a lot next week, so we just have to find the time to get her over to the vet's office).

A really excellent (change of subject) site to check out is Jay Atwood's site. Jay Atwood is a musician who recently joined up with Himself's and my favorite bagpipe/drums group called the Wicked Tinkers. If you ever get the chance to see them live, do it! These guys are funny, and excellent musicians. Jay Atwood has his own CD out called Bonfire Dreaming, on which he plays the dige (that Australian instrument that I can't spell). Very haunting on some tracks, and very up and dance-like on others (the track titled 'She Dances' is one of my favorites). I plan on ordering the CD today from Amazon (yeah Amazon!).

That whole thing sounded like some kind of plug, so I'm going to sign off now and eat something before I have to go to work again. Can't wait for Monday (day off)!



Blogger Karen said...

BEGINNING to lose your mind??? Dang, I thought I'd chased that thing out when you were just an obnoxious teenager!

11:10 PM  
Blogger Morrigan Le Fey said...

I'm loosing the last bit right now. I kept some of my mind through college (I had to use it to trap Himself into thinking I was smart so he would marry me).

Isn't it past your bedtime?


12:30 PM  

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