Friday, June 30, 2006

Young people

I am one of the oldest people working at my studio, and I'm only 23! Today I had a customer who was talking to his young (well she had to be about 13 or so) daughter about music, and he mentioned Jethro Tull. I happen to be a fan of Jethro Tull (my mom got me hooked), and I said as much to the customer. He looked at me with total amazement, and his daughter had a very blank look on her face.

"You mean he wasn't making it up?"

I looked over the counter at her and said that no, her dad wasn't making Jethro Tull up. He pointed at his shirt (it was a really cool Young Frankenstein t-shirt) and said that she (his daughter) didn't know about Mel Brooks either (appearently she didn't know much about Mel Gibson either because she said 'isn't Mel Brooks the guy who did that Passion movie?). The dad and I bantered back and forth with lines from our favorite Mel Brooks movies, and another co-worker came over and joined in. The dad was so happy that he found a place that takes portraits and quotes his favorite movies that he bought a bunch of pictures.

That reminds me, I have to find my copy of Men in Tights so Mom can finally watch it. It's that or Himself and I act out the entire movie for her. Methinks she would rather watch the movie.



Blogger Karen said...

Jethro Tull!!!! que opening strains of "Aqualung".

Mel Brooks!!!! (too many quotes, can't pick just one).

Og bring Spawn up good! Spawn rocks!

8:13 AM  

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