Monday, June 26, 2006

Portrait Taking pt. 2

After a few more tries at portrait taking, I am getting the hang of it. One of my favorite co-workers told me that I will never get it perfect. At first it sounded like she was telling me that I was going to get fired because of my imperfect portrait techniques, but then she followed it up with the fact that even the pros aren't perfect. Our corperate people couldn't even take a portrait to save their lives, and they're the ones telling us how to do it!

I should be able to get the time off to go to the Lower Kingdom next month without too much trouble. One of the girls there was even asking me to look to see if any houses were for sale near the Lower Kingdom. I told her that I would have my hands full with distracting the Grand Dame of the Universe. Oh well, she can't move down there for a couple of years anyway.

Himself and I have been talking about moving into a house eventually, but talks are slow, and we kind of have to have money to buy a house. Most banks have pretty good homeloans for first time uyers, so that shouldn't be much of a problem.

Work has been slowing down a lot in the days after Father's Day. In fact, the day after Father's Day was so slow, especially compared to the craziness of the actual weekend. The Fourth of July is coming up, and people actually want to have their portraits taken on that day! I would much rather stay at home or help my mom make her really good fried chicken, or go to the party at Himself's friend's house. I would not want to sit in a mall and have pictures taken.

Must go to bed now.



Blogger Karen said...

crap, you mean I have to make the really good friend chicken and not the mediocre stuff?

Well, that shoots MY plans all to pieces... I suppose you'll fuss about the boring potato salad, or the bland as white bread coleslaw.

11:25 PM  

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