Monday, September 18, 2006

Right around the corner

Fall is coming (as I've mentioned in another post), and with that means shorter days and longer nights. Pretty soon I won't be seeing much daylight (wake up before the sun is up, go to school, go to work, go home and go to bed), so I have been soaking up as much sun as possible. Himself keeps teasing me about being solar powered, but I don't care.

Work has slowed down now that the contest is over. In fact today we only have about five appointments in the book, and only a couple of walk-ins. I've been trying to find a slow day to organize the lab, so that might be what I do tonight.

Himself is planning on going to The Fair on Tuesday (his only day off this week), but since I have to work every day until Thursday, I won't be joining him. That's okay (although I do enjoy going to the fair and riding the roller coaster), but that also means that I probably won't see him when I get off work (depending on the time you leave the fair, traffic sucks big time). Oh well.

Some happy news, Himself has finally decided that we can start trying to have a baby in about a year and a half. That's right around the time his apprenticeship will be over and he'll be a full meat-cutter. He is taking a class right now for meat cutting, and the teacher told everyone that they should buy and cook every cut of meat their store sells. Himself piped up with 'I have a slight problem with that because my wife is almost a vegetarian!' The class shared his woe (there is no doubt that Himself is a meat-eater, and so is the majority of his class), and I guess the teacher just laughed.

The girls are doing fine, they sleep next to each other now, and sometimes I'll catch them bathing each other when they think no one is watching. Miss Thang is getting a little bigger, and Little Princess is finally loosing some weight. We were getting a little worried since she was having a hard time jumping onto the window sill from the bed.

Well, that's about it for now. I'll probably have more tomorrow.



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