Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Short Snow Post

The sky overhead today is threatening to dump more snow on top of us tonight. A small part of me hopes that we get more snow tonight, but a larger part of me wants to go to class and find out how I did on that test from last week. I also really want to go to kick-boxing, although I'm still feeling really sore from pushing my truck into my parking space.

When I stepped into work this afternoon to drop off my stuff, it was empty of customers. One of my co-workers was getting her pictures taken with her niece or daughter, but other than that, there was no one in the store. I have a feeling that we're not going to have a very busy night tonight. The snow may even keep people away this weekend!

Well, that's about it for now. I made it to work in one piece (although it took me a little while to make a right turn onto a main road because of all the ice under my tires), and I'm sure I'll make it home the same way. I fully plan on telling the M.O.D tonight that if it snows again, I HAVE to go home right then or else I'll be sliding home at three in the morning again.



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