Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Coolest Mom

Yesterday my mom was elevated to The Coolest Mom at work. I'm the only person at work who has a mom who was pulled over for suspicion of armed robbery. A couple of the people thought that she had actually robbed the store, but I assured them that she didn't. They thought she was pretty cool after that. The only thing I'm even remotely worried about is the fact that I am a weirdo-magnet just like my mom. Does this mean I'll be a cop magnet too?

I tweaked my back so hard yesterday that I have a hard time bending at the waist. Normally I can avoid this position, but at work, we're constantly bending over to pick up the camera, move the child, pick up the prop being used, the list goes on. I can walk okay, but it really hurts to lie down on my back, and sitting up hurts a little too. Hopefully everything will be better by Friday, since that's going to be long day. Mom and I are going sock-shopping (we stock up for the year or so) since they're going to be on sale and everything. That's the only shopping I do on Black Friday.

I got a message from Himself last night saying that he would be home a little late because someone had asked him to stay at work a little later. He wasn't sure when he would be home, but since I was off work at 8pm, and he was supposed to be off at 7pm, I figured that we would be home at about the same time. Boy was I wrong! He didn't drag himself into bed until after 1am! He got off work shortly after he left the message on my phone, but he stayed and talked to a co-worker for the next five hours! He didn't even come directly to bed, he started watching his movie (he started re-watching The Return of the King the other night) until I told him to get his carcass in bed. Oh well, at least we'll be able to spend the day together on Thursday.

Well, I'm off to take my math test. I'm feeling a little more confident now that we've reviewed (I don't even have to go to class tomorrow, since the only thing that will be going on is the test for the people who didn't want to take it today) a little in class today.



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