Sunday, November 26, 2006

Almost Over

Not only is NaBloPoMo almost over, but so is the weekend from Hades. Last night was by far the worst, but hopefully that will all change pretty soon. Photo Girl and I talked to the acting manager about one of the other 'managers' (she spends most of her shift in the lab texting on her cell phone and complaining about how we're never going to get out of the store at a decent hour), and she said that something will be done tomorrow. Photo Girl and I are pretty sure the 'manager' isn't going to get fired yet, but she certainly won't be asked to stay longer than the holidays. I also don't think we'll be asking her back if we ever need another manager.

Himself is at home again today, hopefully cleaning (he promised he would at least get a start on it) so I can start preparing for Yule. We're going to try to have a tree this year (I might try the whole living tree again, but I'm not sure yet), but we're not sure when we're going to get it. I really want to see Miss Thang's reaction to the tree (this will be her first Christmas with us) in the Mini Manor, so I think that'll be my main argument for the tree.

We had our first snow this morning. Himself woke me up from a very confusing dream (and a rather deep sleep), and told me to look out the window. I looked outside and saw a light dusting of snow on the roofline of the complex and in the grass. I think we had about an inch or so of snow, not much but certainly enough to make me think of Christmas. Himself was a little disappointed (we had a bet going on if it would snow or not. He lost), but was willing to drive me to work if the snow didn't melt (I don't like driving in it at all, and neither does my truck).

Well, that's about all for now. I have two more days of work before my next day off (not that I'm counting or anything)!!!



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