Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Leaking Brain (More Brain-Droppings)

Work today wasn't as busy as I thought it would be, but then again, it's the day before Thanksgiving, so everyone is at home now getting ready for tomorrow.

One of the new people at work is a great person, and he's a pretty good salesman, but his photography isn't as good as it needs to be. Once the holidays are over we'll probably put him in sales and keep him away from the camera rooms, but then again, we'll have more time to train him. Who knows, he just might quit before then anyway. I hope he doesn't, mainly because he has a lot of potential, but if that's what he chooses, then so be it.

Himself and I are looking forward to a day off together where we get to sleep in and not have to worry about school or anything. Usually on Thursdays I have to wake up early to go to class, but I get to spend the rest of the day with him. Tomorrow all we have to do is a little more laundry (I did mine the other day, and now he's going to do his) and then go to his grandmother's house for dinner.

Well, that's about all for now. I'm hoping to get a few more pictures on here, but with my computer being the way it is (really old and slow), I'm probably going to have to somehow burn the pictures onto a cd (I say 'somehow' because I just remembered that my computer doesn't have a cd burner, so I'm going to have to get a Computer Guy to help me out with that) so I can put them on a different computer (one that actually has internet access and actually remembers how to get online. My computer will think long and hard about the website I want to see, then forget about halfway through the loading process. It forgets hard enough that I usually have to restart it).



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