Saturday, December 02, 2006

Off Work (Finally)

I started work today at eight this morning, and I'm finally off! We were steady, and just as I was leaving was when it was getting really busy. People coming in to view their portraits at the same time large groups come in to get their portraits taken.

I'm really looking forward to next quarter, since I'll be back doing my own photography and playing with the lights and stuff. I'll be in total control, and I'll have an excuse if work tries to call me in on my day off! I think I know why I'm getting so burned out at work, it's because I have no control over how the pictures turn out (our company won't let us do certain things when shooting the picture, and our machine doesn't let us just darken one spot on the picture), not only that, but I really miss black and white!

Well, I'm too tired to keep writing right now, so I'll hopefully post more tomorrow or something.



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