Friday, February 12, 2010

To parents of small children (babies):

Please do not bring your babies into my store. Our policy is that babies in arms or carriers (no strollers) are allowed on the second floor only. That is the only floor where the products are pretty much PG-13. Most of the employees are pretty touchy about the subject, and the manager is a flake when it comes to stuff like this. Please make our jobs easier and just get a babysitter for the kid while you go shopping. Please don't try to bring your toddler (or older) child into our store period.

Valentine's Day is one of our busiest times of the year. Please keep that in mind if you end up having to have your baby with you while you shop. The lines are long, we only have a few registers, and every employee is busy with something. We do not have time to personally hold your hand (or your baby) while you shop for something (especially if you're not totally sure what you're looking for). If your baby starts fussing, and you're not done shopping, either get what you have now (if there's no line) and come back later, or just put your items down and leave the store. We don't mind at all, and most of our other customers will thank you. I know it's a pain to have to stop shopping because of the baby, and you might not have a chance to shop later, but our other customers might have a problem with a crying baby while they're shopping for toys, porn, or lingerie. Usually customers have a problem with crying babies no matter where they're shopping, but my store especially (given the nature of the products we sell).

As a side note (to store managers):

Please be consistent in your policy making. If you decide that babies are to stay on the second floor (with their parents), don't allow a baby onto one of the other floors. Don't put us in a bad situation with an irate parent if you're the one who made up the policy we're quoting.

Back to the parents:

Please don't yell at us (or worse, play the race card) for quoting a policy our manager made when it inconveniences you. We are not telling you children are not allowed because you (or the child) are black. We are telling you your child isn't allowed because they're not 18 years old. We don't care if they're 18 months old, they have to be 18 YEARS old. We're also not telling you about the policy because we want you to come back and spend even more money, we're telling you for the comfort of our OTHER customers. You know, those people walking around with products in their hands or standing at the counter handing money to the employee in exchange for the products they selected. Most of them don't feel comfortable shopping for intimate items while a baby is just a few feet from them, and no one feels comfortable shopping for intimate items while a baby is crying and carrying on!

We would love it if you came back without the baby/child, and we would be more than happy to help you select the items you need to make your Valentine's Day more romantic.


M (a tired retail employee)

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