Wednesday, May 17, 2006


Ah, spring has sprung, and with it comes shedding. Between the four legged children and myself, we are a furry family. Himself has gone to work with white fur on his black pants, red hair on his undershirt, and grey fur on his work shirt. By the time he gets it all off of him, more fur and hair have gravitated towards him like metal to a magnet. I started petting Little Princess and had to stop because I was removing clumps of my cat by the handful. I was afraid that if I kept petting her, she would disappear, and all that would be left would be a pile of fur. Granted, it would be a very large pile of fur. Little Princess could stand to loose a few pounds.

Just the other day I pulled out three cat hairs and an eyelash out of my right eye and two cat hairs out of my left eye. Himself told me that I would have to stop petting the cats with my eyes and start using my hands. Himself thinks he's very funny. Well, I do too.

Miss Thang hasn't been shedding much, but she has been helping Little Princess shed by forcefully removing clumps of fur from her back. Miss Thang looks all delicate, but in reality she hits like a linebacker. Both cats have taken to sleeping on my black and dark green cloak that I got at a ren faire a couple of years back, if I want to wear it this year, I have to de-fur it and then seal it into a bag.

I have to get some fur out of my eye again.



Blogger yngathrrt said...

I visit your moms blog daily, and found your site from a link from hers.

I must say that you have your moms talent in writing and talent on humor. I just loved this post. You did a great job on description on this blog, and I could just picture the cat and all the fur everywhere. It really made me laugh.

I will now be checking your blog out all the time as I can already tell that you have a lot to say and will also add a delight and smile to me.

Thank you for such a wonderful and humorous post. (PS, tell your Mom not to check my spelling! LOL)


11:50 PM  
Blogger Morrigan Le Fey said...

Thank you Katie for the visits and everything. I also enjoy reading my mom's blog (the sleep fairy entry is even better when you know how Furry Beast #2 acts normally)


12:57 PM  

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