Thursday, June 22, 2006

Portrait Taking

I just don't get it. I have a 4.0 in every photo class I have taken, and I can't for the life of me take portraits at work! I've practiced a little for the past couple of days, and I am getting better, but still not perfect. One of my managers told me that I will probably have to be taking portraits by next week, and I just don't feel ready! Panic!

On to much calmer things. Today I spend my day off outside in the glorious sun, getting a little crisp around the edges but enjoying every moment of it. Himself jokes about me being solar powered, and I'm begining to believe him. Cold winters, rainy springs, and cloudy falls seriously bum me out, and once summer hits I'm a ray of freaking sunshine. Allergies are at a minimum this time of year, and the sun feels really good.

The first day of summer was yesterday, but I had to work. I celebrated the summer today by going to the park and reading a pretty good book. Charline Harris is a pretty good auther if you like supernatural romance/thriller/mystery (which I do), but Mary Janice Davidson is best for humor/romance/mild thriller books (great summer reads).

Must feed Himself. Himself gets like Spawn when hungry.



Blogger Karen said...

You did well in the photography class because you could set things up as you liked. At work, you must set things up in a way that is already set out.

You'll get the hang of it. Use your digital and practice at home. Give yourself a chance, kiddo.


7:28 AM  

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