Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Music to listen to

My Jay Atwood cd finally came in, and I have been happily listening to it every time I get into my car. Himself isn't a big fan of the 'new age' music, so I try to keep it away from him as much as possible. Evanesance has a new cd coming out in a couple of weeks (the first single off the cd is pretty good, but not as dark and moody as the first cd), and there are no good concerts at the fair this year. Himself was complaining all the way home a couple of days ago when he found out about the concerts. I told him to go to the fair and have a good time anyway.

The girlfriend of one of my co-workers is listening to the Harry Potter books, and she was griping about how the seventh one isn't out yet. Every time she comes in to visit we talk about the books (this is her first 'listen through', so I have to be careful about what I say) and our theories on how it will end. She already knew that J.K Rowling was thinking about killing Harry off in the last book (I hope she doesn't, since it would totally screw up my theory), but she doesn't know about some of the other things.

Well, I should get going now. I have to change my clothes for work, and I still want to get a smoothie before I start my shift. Mmmmm a Peanut-butter mood smoothie with energy and burner boosts. It's actually better than coffee (which is saying something, since I love my white chocolate mochas).



Blogger groovyoldlady said...

Aaaaaaaw. I'm having a tough week. So I came to peruse the blog of Spawn. I came to that post a ways back where you mentioned me as one of your acceptable internet "friends" and I cried. Thanks for the boost.

btw, I hope I get a really good Christmas present out of this!

4:17 AM  
Blogger Morrigan Le Fey said...

Thanks for stopping by, and I hope your week gets better for you.


2:10 PM  

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