Sunday, November 19, 2006

Himself pt. 2

Today I lent my truck to Himself so he could get to work on time today. This would have been a pretty good plan except for the fact that he works at 11am, and I work at 1pm. I have a couple more hours to kill before I start work, and then I have another hour or so to kill before I get to go home. I'm half tempted to call a friend of mine and see if she'll drive me home, then call Himself and let him know that he doesn't have to pick me up.

Today also marks a big day for gamers. The Nintendo Wii came out today, and the one gaming store here in the mall opened early for all the hardcore gamers. Everyone and their dog came into the mall to get their Wii. Actually, that's not far from the truth. I was walking down the line and I saw a couple holding their little dog while waiting in the line. People are so odd sometimes.

Thanksgiving this year will be spent with Himself's family (we didn't spend it with them last year because we had just gotten back from Poland, and my family claimed us for the holiday) at his grandmother's house. His grandmother is a wonderful, soft spoken lady, and I do enjoy spending time with her. We'll probably draw names for Christmas that night, and we'll probably talk about who has what day off (Himself has an aunt who is a nurse, so she doesn't always get Christmas off) so we can actually celebrate Christmas.

Well, since the day is still young, nothing much has happened.



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