Saturday, November 18, 2006

Holiday blues

Work today was jam-packed with people. We had people calling in to get their holiday pictures done early. Early is usually good, but from what I've heard the weekends don't ever slow down until just after New Years. Then they pick up again just in time for Valentine's Day (probably not as busy as Father's Day or Christmas, but I've heard babies are popular for Valentine's Day), but then we're slow until about Easter. A small part of me is looking forward to Christmas, just so I can say I survived it, but another (somewhat larger) part is wishing Christmas would pass by without too much pulling of the hair.

Himself and I pick up his truck from the Truck Doctor on Monday, so he'll be able to drive himself (hee hee, Himself drives himself) to work next week. We just have to survive until then. The repairs weren't as bad as we thought they would be, but it still cost us a little more than $200. A good portion of that is towing, I think. The place Himself goes to get his truck fixed is pretty reasonably priced (except for their towing. That's where they get you), but I only know how to get home from there, and it's a pain in the butt to just retrace your path. There's a tricky left turn into the driveway of the repair shop, and to do it, you have to cross about three lanes of traffic.

A day like this at work makes me really not want kids that much, but at the same time I still want them a lot. I took the pictures of these two boys that reminded me a lot of the Minions when they were younger, but they were a lot worse. I suggested one of the birthday props (one of the boys had turned four in September, and they were just now getting to his pictures) for the youngest boy, but the mom said no. She thought the props looked too 'childish' (her 'children' were four and seven-ish. These kids were more like monsters in disguise), so we had to work with just the kids. Her oldest son was bored out of his gourd while the youngest had his birthday pictures done. He kept bringing the props into the room (we were in the smallest room in our store, so all the props in there were in the way), and I had to keep telling him to stop it, and then turn to the younger boy and tell him to stop moving and to stand like I had him.

I know four-year-olds have the attention span of--oh, look at the kitty, but crikey! I would put him in place and the second my fingers left his shoulders, he would move around!

It's days like this I want to look for a new job. I love photography, and I usually love people, but being stuck in a camera room all day and taking pictures of other people's monsters really takes it's toll. Yesterday I didn't even get my break (I worked about six hours straight)!

Okay, I'm done whining for now.



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