Saturday, November 25, 2006

Black Friday Pt. 2

This whole weekend is one never-ending Black Friday. Yesterday wasn't so bad at work (we had a bunch of no-shows, and we even had time to take a walk-in right when they came in), but today was a zoo for the moment I walked in to drop off my stuff and tell people about the creepy woman at the store this morning. She walked up to me and told me to smile because I looked too serious with my 'beautiful red hair'. Then she leaned in and told me she was partial to redheads (this woman was older than my mom, but younger than my grandmother). This made me drop my energy drink (thank god it wasn't open) and blush like crazy.

Himself somehow got the whole weekend off, so he's at home relaxing. He had to work yesterday, but according to him, his store was pretty slow too.

Well, no time to write anything else. I have to be at work soon.



Blogger Writer-Savant said...

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix trailer.

1:54 AM  
Blogger Morrigan Le Fey said...

I know, I saw it. Brother-In-Law showed it to Himself and I on Thanksgiving. Looks pretty good, huh?


2:09 PM  

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