Friday, November 17, 2006


I really love my husband, but sometimes he can be a little 'tarded. Yesterday his truck broke down on the freeway on the way to his class. After much driving around, trying to figure out how to get to the car doctor (we still don't have an official cause of death. We've been watching a lot of CSI, can you tell?) from the exit I took to get back home, we dropped off the keys to the truck and went home. Since I had class today, Himself had to wait for me to get home before he could even think about getting to work (I was his ride today, and might be his ride tomorrow, unless we can figure out another way to get him to work). We're still trying to figure out what to do about tomorrow, since we have to be at work at the same time, but in opposite directions (I could drop him off really early, but I still don't know where the store he has to be at is, and I don't really feel like getting lost on my way to work).

And now for something a little different: Himself and I watchedV for Vendetta the other night. It was the first time I had seen it, and the second or third time he saw it. Extremely good movie, even though the masks kind of freaked me out. I have always had a slight fear of full-face masks (the expression never changes, and when they talk, the lips never move), and I told himself that I may have a problem with the mask thing in the movie. I did at first, but after awhile I didn't even notice the mask as a mask. I started seeing it as his face. I highly recommend this movie for pretty much anyone.



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