Thursday, December 15, 2005

One down

One final down, two to go. Well, actually one and a half to go, since I've already written the paper for my myths class. The paper turned out pretty good, although I don't think its my best work. Too much info, page limit, and not enough time will do that.

I got a 4.0 for my photo class, so I'm really pleased about that. He really seemed to like the pictures I chose for my portfolio (I'm one of those sad people who took pictures of my cats for a couple of my projects, including the final because I couldn't think of anything else), but I wasn't sure if he would like one of them since its so dark in one spot. There were some really cool pictures there, and I can't wait until the next photo class I take next quarter, because some of the people I liked from the 101 class are going to be in the 102 class with me. The instructor told us to hang out nearby so that he could give us our final grade, so a bunch of the students and I went out into the hallway and played poker and spoons until he told us that he was ready for us. I didn't do so well at either game, but we all had fun groping for a pen when we played spoons.

I think the only final I'm really worried about is my math final. I have the best notes I could possibly have (I already sold my math book back. Paid $125 and some change to get the book, only got $18 back. Lets see, if I subtract the original cost of the book by the amount I got back, I think I can figure out the percentage...), so all I have to worry about is if they're the right notes. That's my main problem with testing. I write all the notes I possibly can, and on the day of the test, I find out that they're the wrong notes, or I skimmed the one section that most of the test is based on. I am not a good tester. Himself tests well, he just has issues (that goes without saying) about having to prove he knows the material.

Well, I have to go face my fate at the testing center. Watch me go into battle without flinching (oh god don't make me go in there! Please, anything but that! I'll do anything! I'll bathe my dad's cat! Well, maybe not. That's too scary. Its even scarier than taking a math test)



Blogger Balaji S Rajan said...

Glad to know you are a photography student. Would like to know more about your pictures. Keep in touch.
Thanks for your comments in my blog. Scotland is really wonderful and picturesque.

12:03 AM  

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