Monday, June 05, 2006

First Day

My first day at the new job was a little overwhelming. I have been in sales before, and that's just about all I have to do until after Father's Day (no one has any time to train new photographers until then). The only thing that stumps me is the computers. I like to think that I am pretty computer-savy, but there are so many buttons to push just to check someone in for their appointment, and if they're new customers, then we have to get a bunch of info from them. All very complicated, but I'm sure that after my two more days of training, I'll have the system down.

Finals are next week, and I still have to shoot three more cards. I was hoping to do one of them tonight so I could develop and print on Wednesday, and then do the other two this weekend, but I'm not sure if I can get one of my friends to come over with her daughter this weekend. Hopefully I can, that way I can spend my next day off developing and printing, and then spend all day on Wednesday or Thursday matting the prints. Busy week. I'll be glad when it's over, then my summer vacation starts.

Himself is now a meat-cutter, and I am seriously thinking about going vegitarian. He comes home with all sorts of stuff caked onto his clothes, and the smell is pretty bad. The only time I'll come near him is after he's showered and changed his clothes.

That's about all that's been going on lately. I have to sign up for classes soon, and I was thinking of taking Kickboxing for my P.E credit and Digital Photography to go towards my photo certificate (still not sure what that gets me, but it sounds cool when I tell people what I'm going to school for).



Blogger Karen said...

Spawn! Spawn! Og put pictures on web! put the clickr on flickr linkr and peekr atr pictr...

help meeeeee....

6:42 PM  
Blogger Morrigan Le Fey said...


As a quick update, I signed up for math and kickboxing. The photo class that I was going to take was full, and I don't want to burn out on photography any time soon.


P.S. The help you need is beyond me. Sorry, Mom.

7:32 AM  

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