Wednesday, June 07, 2006

A watched pot never boils

I have all sorts of interesting people in my math class, the instructor is no exception (he's named after a Norse god, how could he possibly be normal?). He caught another student staring at the clock, waiting for class to end, and he told the student that a watched pot never boils. Now there is another student in the class (actually there are about fifteen other students in the class, but one in particular) who is quite the blonde. She bleaches her hair, fakes-n-bakes, and tries to look as 'cute' as possible (which is really hard when your skin looks kind of orangey). I try to be patient with her, because it's not her fault she's as dumb as a box of hammers, but sometimes it's really hard not to grab her by the shoulders and try to shake that brain cell awake.

Blondie piped up with 'does a watched pot really never boil?'. The guy sitting next to her grabbed his head and moaned 'you're giving me a headache!', which made the whole class crack up. Blondie walked with me when class got out (I'm hoping it's just the family curse kicking in again, and not that she really likes me) and asked me why the guy sitting next to her was so grumpy. I really wanted to come back with 'Oh, I don't know. Maybe it's because you're so stupid?', but I resisted. Instead I shrugged and suggested that maybe he didn't get enough sleep the night before.

A watched pot never boils. Really! It's some sort of magic that keeps it from boiling! And a tiger is just a really big cat. Don't worry, you can pet it! Sheesh.



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