Friday, June 09, 2006


I just got my schedule for next week (finals week. Joy) for work, and I'm working 40 hours! Normally that would be a good thing, but with finals only a weekend away, things are getting shuffled around that really can't be shuffled. Thank (insert your favorite deity here) my manager understands finals week, and she is willing to let me come in late, leave early, or trade with someone. She's really cool, and I don't feel scared to work with her! That's a very good thing.

Yesterday was my first real day (a full 8 hours of regular time instead of training time), and I started getting the hang of everything. Unfortunately the machine that makes the prints broke yesterday morning, so we had to make two runs to another store to print out the portraits. Most of the customers didn't mind, as long as they got their portraits by Father's Day, but some of them were really pissed off that they couldn't look at anything. Oh well. I guess this is at least the second time the machine broke down (the last time I remember it breaking was the day I went in to fill out the paperwork), and so people aren't happy.

Himself and I are planning on going camping this summer with a couple of friends, but that may not happen (the camping will happen, but we may not have company). It would only be for a weekend, one of the ren faires that we go to every summer has on-site camping, so we wouldn't even have to walk that far to get to the faire, and most of the vendors and participants stay and camp (a whole month of camping. Good thing there are showers on site, and a town not far away). I guess the nights get pretty rowdy, but it still should be a lot of fun. Hopefully we can both get the time off...

Well, that's all for now. More later when I'm not so stressed out about finals. Probably won't post again until the finals are over.



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