Friday, July 14, 2006

More Updates

For some reason, work has been really busy. That's good for business, but not good for training sessions, since we have to be slow in order for me to get into some kind of sitting. At least when it's busy I can watch the other photographers set the people up for the picture, which gets me ideas for my own sittings.

Just the other day, I found my cell phone (the evil couch monster that lives in the Mini Manor ate it), paid the bill and was once again connected to all the friends that live too far away for me to call on the land line. Cousin and I went to the pool and I put my phone under my towel with an alarm set to call the Grand Dame of the Universe. By the time we were ready to leave the pool, I noticed that I never heard the alarm and it was after the time I was supposed to call. My phone was stolen by some kids who apparently thought that they needed the phone more than me. I called my phone company and had them deactivate the phone, so now those kids have a phone-shaped paper weight. I got a better phone the same day and now I'm in the process of putting all my old phone numbers into the new phone.

Himself is plans on enjoying his week of having the Mini Manor to himself (hee hee hee), but he did promise a clean living room by the time I got back from the Lower Kingdom. I'm looking forward to the trip, but at the same time I will be glad to be home on Friday.

That's about all. Fall quarter should be interesting since I have a 7am math class, but I'll be done with my school day by 9am. The Minions are slightly jealous, so I stuck my tongue out at them. What kind of sister would I be if I didn't tease them every once in awhile?


Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy 4th of July!

It is officially the 4th of July, and several people near the Mini-Manor (the very tiny apartment that Himself and I rent) have already started their celebrations. In the city Himself and I live in, fireworks aren't allowed. I'm not sure why, but there are signs up all over the placeCheck Spellinge warning people that extra patrols are out and enforcing this law.

Himself and I both have the day off, so we plan on spending the day helping my mom make fried chicken, ribs, fruit salad (my favorite), potato salad, possibly macaroni salad (Most Minor Minion's favorite. The boy can really pack it in), and I'm not sure what else.

Most likely the cats will be totally freaked out (even though fireworks are illegal in the city we live in, we're also near the border of unincorporated county where just about anything goes) by the time we get home, but some love and devotion should get us back in their good graces. Little Princess has had a couple of 4th of Julys, but Miss Thang is only about a year old, and as far as anyone can tell she has never heard fireworks in her short life. Hopefully the presence of a calmer, older cat will keep Miss Thang from tearing up the Mini-Manor (oh wait, she already did. She never likes where I put my plants. I have them outside now and she still tries to go out there and knock them off the railing). Not likely, but we're hoping. At least Miss Thang can't be worse than my cousin's rather, um, majestic cat. She flips out at any loud noise.

Well, I should get go bed, especially since Miss Thang is helping me by sitting right in front of the computer screen and is making it harder to see what I'm typing.

Thanks Miss Thang.