Friday, March 31, 2006

Spring is here!

Spring has finally sprung! Mom calls it the bi-polar season, and I have to agree. For a little while we'll have brilliant sun, not a cloud in the sky, the next minute we're having a downpour on par with the great flood from the bible. Right now it's sunny with a bunch of really fluffy clouds, but there are some rather dark ones off in the distance.

Himself and I held a meeting with Cousin. We talked about Cousin's possible move across the country and what he should do to prepare for it. Mom and I were talking about driving the moving van and then flying back, but it all depends on when Cousin was hoping to move.

I have decided that this year I'm going to have a balcony garden, since I've been having really good luck with the shamrock that Himself gave me as a St. Paddy's gift and the lily I bought. The lily is doing really well, and the shamrock seems really happy. I want to do lavender and rosemary, and maybe some basil or something. It's not much, but I figure it would be best to start out small since I am death to plants (and fish. I can't keep either one alive for very long).

Miss Thang and Little Princess are getting along a lot better now, especially since Little Princess is learning that Miss Thang isn't beating her up to be mean, she's just playing. The problem is that Little Princess is learning how to play, but she's so much larger than Miss Thang, and she hits so much harder. You can actually hear Little Princess's paws hit Miss Thang. Pretty impressive, but no so much at 3 in the morning, and both cats are rearranging the apartment during their boxing matches. Mom says not to worry about it, since Furry Beasts #1 and 2 still try to beat each other up, and they've been in the same house for several years now.

Well, that's all for now.


Wednesday, March 29, 2006


I really can't wait for school to start up again. Grand Dame of the Universe will be visiting during the Minion's spring break, and I'll be in school. That's not to say I'm not looking forward to her visit, I'm just looking forward to playing with bigger paper in the photo lab. Himself knows that since I'm going to be working on my portfolio, I'll be basically living at the lab.

It's really nice being married to someone who is really good at math. This quarter I'll be taking another math class, and even though I'm not expecting to have any problems, you never know. Himself is really good at math, and he told me that He'll help me with any of the problems that I don't get. Yea!

Fall quarter, I'll be taking the digital class and probably more math. I really don't understand why artists need so much math, but I guess it'll help when I go into teaching (not math. I refuse to teach math!). Although, I must admit that math came in handy when I had to mat the prints I turned in for my photo class.

Short post today. I have a bunch of stuff to do today.


Friday, March 24, 2006


Despite the fact that it's a little late for making new year's resolutions, I have decided to make a few, and here they are/

I resolve to be a better wife to Himself. I will try not to snap at him as often as I normally do.

I resolve to drop the weight I gained after the wedding. I worked hard to drop it then, and I will work hard to loose it again.

I resolve to read more classic books. I read Pride and Prejudice during the trip to Poland, and started reading Emma, but I want to read more. Himself amuses his need for reading with books about Plato, Dante, the Crusades, pretty much anything historical. I read things by Kim Harrison, Laurell K. Hamilton, Charleen Harris, and Mary Janice Davidson.

And finally, I resolve to watch more movies that Himslf wants to see, with the exception of V for Vandetta (I have an extreme fear of people in full masks. I don't know why, I think it goes along with my clown fear. I wonder if there is a techincal term for a fear of masks? Mardi Gras masks don't scare me, but most other full face masks do). Despite the fact that Himself and my cousin have both told me that the movie is really good, I just can't get past the talking, unholy mask.


Monday, March 20, 2006

Final Project

As I've mentioned in past blogs, I was doing my final project in color for 102. Most of the prints were coming along nicely, but there was a couple that were being stubborn. Finals rolled around and I had to re-print one of the photos (I misplaced two of them, and I only had enough paper to print one of them again). Matting the prints was interesting too, since I've never had to mat anything before, and I was doing a double mat. It was all worth it, though, since I got a 4.0 out of the class! I didn't think I would, since I didn't have that many 4.0's on my previous photos, but on the prints going into my final project I got 4's on.

Not only did I get a 4.0 out of my class, but in instructor chose one of my prints to go into the student show in the library. It'll be there until about June, and he's entering it into the school's art book. Hopefully It'll get in there. I plan on submitting a couple of other photos for the art book, so either way, I hope I get in.

Well, more later. I have to get lunch now.


Wednesday, March 15, 2006


One of the things I hate the most are cowards. People who can't grow up and take chances.

My best friend from high school has a boyfriend who decided to join Americorps. All he had to do was give them a 10 month commitment for training, and then he was pretty much free to go. He was put on the wait-list, and for several months he waited for news. When he was finally informed that he would be going, he told my best friend, and they talked about what they were going to do when he flew across the country for his training. Preparations were made, and the time came for him to get on the plane and fly away for almost a year. My friend was going through quite a roller coaster whenever the topic of her boyfriend leaving came up. She didn't want him to go, but she didn't feel she could talk to him about her feelings. This was a huge step for him, and I had a huge amount of respect for him. He was taking everything in stride like an adult, making hard decisions and basically acting like a grown-up. His dream had been to be an UN ambassador, and that made me feel like my best friend had finally picked a good guy. She didn't want to travel (she has the imagination of a blade of grass), but she supported his dream and helped him get ready for his trip.

They got to the airport, and he decided that he was too scared to leave, so he turned around and left. After giving his word that he would be on that plane, he chickened out. I have lost all respect for him, and after telling my friend about this, she got on my case as to why I didn't join Americorps and give them a commitment. I was very calm in telling her why I didn't just drop everything and join, but she dug deeper. I called her boyfriend a childish coward, and informed her that I have no patience for cowards. She doesn't seem to realize that if he backed out of a 10 month commitment, there is a very strong chance that he'll back out of a life long commitment (they had been talking about their future together).

There are several types of cowards, and all of them are guttless children (regardless of age) who can't grow up. One of the other kinds of cowards are the people who can't handle criticism. They are the people who jump down people's throats when one little thing is picked apart. These are the cowards who point their fingers at someone else and lay the blame on them. People who can't take the bad with the good, and make sure that the only thing that other people hear about them is positive. I have encountered these cowards, and all I ever want to say to them is 'get over yourself! If people are saying negitive things about you, then either they have their own issues, or there really is something about you that needs changing!'

Now that I've ranted a bit, I have a final paper to write.


Monday, March 13, 2006

No News Yet

No one has contacted me about the job, so I plan on going over to the HR building to find out. Himself has been working a lot of over time, and I hardly see him now. Just last week he logged in over 8 hours of over time, and this week he's already had to give up one of his days off. He's so tired at the end of the day, I'm concerned that he'll get sick just like all the people at his work (hence all the over time). This is a good thing, since we decided that we're going to go on a date this week when he gets paid. Dinner and probably a movie (if anything good is playing). A pretty standard date, but much needed.

Well, short post today, I have one last picture to do in the color lab, but I know that it's going to take me quite some time to do.


Thursday, March 09, 2006


I seem to be getting better at this whole color thing. This time it too me two hours (or so) to do two prints. I'm really happy with the second one, and once it's matted, I'm putting it on my wall for sure. One of the other prints I've been working on is a picture of a bunch of Amy Brown fairies hanging in a shop window (I love her work. I have about 5 of her paintings in my living-room, and I'm always on the look-out for more). I think that one is going on the wall too. Himself was teasing me about the number of prints that are going on the walls of our very tiny apartment. I tell him that when we move into a house, we'll have some really nice prints to put on the walls.

Next quarter I think I want to start printing on different paper. This whole 8x10 RC thing is fun, but I really like the look of 11x14 fiber when it's been matted and framed. Besides, most of the prints from next quarter are going to be portraits, so it'll be good to have larger ones. Now I just have to get everyone together when the time comes. I plan on taking a lot of pictures when I go and visit my grandparents, and if I can find someone to go with me, I might just go visit during my spring break (Mom has a different spring break than me).

All of the pictures are going to be in black and white (color is fun, and it's cheaper, but I really miss black and white, besides it's harder to find 11x14 color paper)

The weather today has been odd (that's putting it lightly). It started snowing (after I thought that it would stay cold but sunny for a little longer) this morning, then the sun came out. I guess the weather people are saying that it's going to snow again tonight and be gone by tomorrow. This weekend is supposed to be sunny and warmer than it has been in a while.

I can't wait until summer. Everything starts for me in late July when Himself and I go to the Scottish Highland Games for the day. Big Green Friend goes there to drink and listen to music (in that order. Usually at the same time, too). Himself and I usually split a drink (a really good mix of a beer and a hard cider. It's called a Black Apple) and listen to music. Sometimes I'll go up and dance (the bagpipe group does an awesome belly-dance song that I dance to). This year I'll be taking lots of pictures too. Something good for the portfolio class I have to take eventually.


Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Himself cleared his throat last night and told me he was sorry he didn't tell me sooner, but I got a message from one of the places I had applied for. I looked at him and ran to the phone to check the message. When I called them back this morning, they told me that they were calling for an interview, and would I be available later this afternoon. I said that I'd be there, and the interview seemed to go pretty good. I told them my class schedule, and they understood, and I think I impressed them when I told them that I want to be a teacher. They asked me what I wanted to teach, and I told them that I really wanted to teach photography or drama. All in all, I'm pretty sure I'll get the job!!!

Himself and I have been taking the Cousin out swimming (Cousin is re-learning how to swim, and it's pretty amusing sometimes to watch him try with all his might--and not get anywhere), and it's really helping my shoulders loosen up. One of the things we do when we go to the pool-house is go into the hot-tub after awhile. That's where we ask each other questions like: If you could only cast one person in a short film, who would it be? And the usual "If a movie of your life was being made, who would be cast as you and your family?" I said Bruce Willis for the part of Himself (first of all, Bruce Willis is very attractive, especially in The Fifth Element. Second of all, they have about the same amount of hair), but I couldn't decide who would play me. I don't look like any celebrity, not even with a bunch of makeup and a wig. Oh well, maybe I could play myself. Hee Hee.

I'm in a really goofy mood. It felt really good to have an interview, and I know it'll feel even better when I get the job!


Monday, March 06, 2006


What is with the obsession females have with bathing in their perfume? A girl at the table across from me seems to have marinated in her perfume for a full 24 hours before coming to school. She looks to be about 17 or so, and every time she moves, I get a fresh wave of her strong, not all that cheap perfume.

Himself and I had been talking about smelly people when we went to Poland (the people there are pretty nice about the whole perfume thing. They don't bathe in it), and although we were on the same side of the debate (great, the girl just moved closer to me), we playfully argued it for several blocks

Unfortunately, nothing can be said to the smelly people about how strong they stink. They only get offended and spray on more perfume. I know they only put more on because they can't smell it anymore, so they think no one else can, but still! Ask someone before layering on the scents!

Mom has a pet peeve (well, she has several, but this one is one of the biggest) with people who don't wash their hands, my biggest one (other than people chickening out from great opportunities because they're scared) is heavy perfume. Men are guilty too! Big Green Friend sometimes has to ask me if his cologne is too strong (usually after I have coughed up my lung and presented it to him), and I had a teacher in high school that I could smell for three days or so after he's been in a room! I know that most of the people who lather on the perfume or cologne are smokers, and they're trying to cover up the smell of the cigarette smoke, but what they don't realize is that they're not covering up the smell, they're only mixing cigarette smoke with perfume. It smells so bad!

More later. I have to get out of here before I start flopping on the ground like a fish out of water for want of air.


Friday, March 03, 2006


After going to Seattle 4 times in just about as many weeks (I usually only go about twice a year), I am so finished with the Market! Don't get me wrong, the Market is a great place to people watch (not really as creepy-stalker-type as it sounds) and eat all kinds of different food (as long as it involves some kind of fish, you'll find it at the Market). I love going there...Every once in a while. Himself and I usually go to Seattle for my birthday, and then his. We might go during Christmas, but we usually try to avoid the crowds, and the only reason we would go during the Christmas Craziness is to go to a concert by our favorite orchestra. Yes, Himself and I have a favorite orchestra. We're kind of sad like that. Anyway, I am all set to not go to the Market for a little while.


Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Back to Seattle

Himself and I went back to Seattle for a couple of hours so I could get the rest of my pictures for my class. He is so patient with me, and didn't even grumble when I asked him to carry my camera bag (which looks a little like a purse). I think I have all my pictures for the project, and now all I have to do is spend another 2 hours in the color lab to print out the picture that's due on Friday.

I finally filed my taxes yesterday. Everything had been ready, but I really didn't want to spend the $16 just to file my taxes. I went to the IRS site and found a bunch of places that would allow me to file for free. Kinda nice.

Not much has happened in the last couple of days, Mom is back at work, Himself got promoted and is now working about 40 hours a week (this is a very good thing. I love my husband very much, but I don't mind not seeing him as often if it means we have money for rent and food), I'm still looking for work (my class schedule for next quarter is just funky enough to make it really hard to find work in retail), and the oldest of the minions is still a terror behind the wheel. I must say, no matter what my mom has said about that day with the pothole, I'm a much better driver than my brother. I never tried going over railroad tracks at 40 mph!

Anyway, better go. Morning Person Instructor beckons. Actually coffee beckons, if I don't have coffee before going to class, I may end up with one less instructor. Besides, today he's going to show us some of his work, and it should be pretty cool.