Tuesday, April 25, 2006

(I Pity) The Fool...

Yesterday I had my cousin pose as the fool for my project. It was kind of odd when I told my photo instructor that I was shooting the fool. Himself asked if the fool survived. Himself thinks he's all kinds of funny sometimes. The Cousin got to walk around in the woods while I shot various pictures of him with a walking stick, standing with the stick, rolling a rock over with the stick...you get the idea.

I think next week will be Temperance. I finally got to talk to (sort of. We're playing a rousing game of phone tag) a friend who was going to be Temperance (he had dropped off the face of the Earth for a little while). I'm going to do something really cool for Temperance. Big Green Friend will be sitting on the ground by some water, meditating. Then I'm going to smudge chalk or something on the print, and I'm going to color him, but then smudge red, orange, yellow, and possibly blue around him. If that's hard to imagine, sorry, but I assure you it will look cool. After all, Mom gave me the idea. Thanks Mom.


Monday, April 17, 2006


Last I checked, the purpose of a library was for quiet studying/sleeping (at least the library at my school is used for those things). People who talk in loud voices while no one else is talking are so rude.

What brings this little tirade on you might ask? The people next to me and across from me are having a loud conversation. I should have seen the signs when the first person sat down and proceeded to call out to someone on the other side of the nice, quiet library. Then the next person sat down, and they started talking about something. Finally two more people sat down and started having a conversation. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind quiet talking, but when your conversation is known to all the people sitting near you (people who really don't want to hear about your new moisturizer or the best brand of lip gloss), it's too loud. That's why many people are at the computers, so they can e-mail their friends and gossip all they want. Sure it may seem pathetic to e-mail the person across from you (or right next to you), but at least it means you're having a semi-private conversation.

Another talking gripe this college has (or that I have with this college) is in the afternoon (the library's busiest time with people using the computers) when people are all sitting at a computer, but they're not using it. This is especially bad around finals when people are trying to type out their final papers. Computers not being used are occupied by people talking to other people. Either that, or they're being used to play games on. I have seen people using a computer during finals to play some on-line game with about five other people in the library. ARGGHHH! All I wanted to do was type up my paper and be done with it, but no, the games must be played.

Okay, I feel better now that I've griped a little.


P.S. My first print for the final project got rave reviews. A lot of the people said that it was the best print they'd seen this year. Yea me!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

First Print

For the first time, I have had a photo request! One of the guys that spends all his time at the lab asked me to print out a picture for him that I had been working on. I've been working on my first print for my final project (it's a start of a set of Tarot cards) pretty much all day today. My feet are killing me, my hands smell like the photo lab, and my head hurts from it all, but the picture turned out beautifully. I asked a friend of mine if she would let me paint her. At first I got an odd look from her, but after I explained why I wanted to paint her skin black (I have her posing as the Death card in a Tarot deck), she agreed. The print is of her washing off the paint, and it just turned out so cool! I'm almost thinking I want to change my idea and just paint people and take pictures of them.

Anyway, I've been really busy with homework (Norse god of math assigns homework every night, and I have a lot more work to do for Photo 103) and trying to find a job. I got passed up for another retail job, but the manager said that she'll give me a call when she has another opening. Himself has been wonderfully patient with me and all my busy-ness, and has even cooked dinner the few times I have been too busy to eat. I plan on fully spoiling him on his birthday.

Got to go, I have an outline to do for my final project in Photo class.


Monday, April 10, 2006

Here She Comes

The Grand Dame of the Universe is coming today, and the kitchen still isn't as done as I thought it would be. I have been cleaning Mom's kitchen to pay her back for the math book she bought for me (so far no scary happenings, but we still haven't finished going through the cupboards yet).

I have been racking my brain trying to figure out what to do for some of my pictures for my photo class. Most of them I have a really clear idea, it's just a matter of getting ahold of the people I want for that print, but there are a few where I have no idea what to do.

Himself and I have been trying to plan his vacation this summer (if he gets it off. I keep telling him to request it now) around Cousin's move across the country. I may be going with Mom if she ends up driving the van, and if that's the case, I won't be going down to visit my grandparents. We also have to figure out what we can afford to do. Obviously any crazy trips into Las Vegas are out of the question (although I would love to see where they film CSI), but we have been thinking of what ren faires we're going to go to.

More later (as usual). I have a kitchen to help organize. Wee. I have so much dust up my nose and in my eyes I have yet to stop sneezing, and my eyes are always ichy and runny.



Friday, April 07, 2006

Project for Class

I had to pitch my idea for my portfolio to my instructor, and he really seemed to like it. I have been interested in Tarot for quite awhile now, and last summer a friend of mine and I decided to use photographs and make our own set. I have a few people who should be able to model for me, and I'm hoping to get a few more. A girl from my class offered her time to pose for me too, so it should be pretty fun. The first print is due a week from today, so I have plenty of time.

I have my first math test on Tuesday. Nothing much has been going on here, I haven't been sleeping as well as usual, so I don't have the energy to be funny (or to have a very long entry)

Maybe more next time.


Thursday, April 06, 2006

I think I got in...

I'm not entirely sure, but I think I got into the photo class. Yesterday the instructor told me that he would overload the class for me and a couple of other students, but I'm not sure what my part in that is.

We got our first assignments in photo yesterday, and I think I'm going to go crazy! I have to write down 3-7 ideas for my portfolio, but not only that, but I have to plan them out to the very shutter speed. I'm not sure what to do, so I'm going to talk to him after my class. I only have one class today, so I have about an hour before I even have to meet Mom to find out what I'm buying for lunch. I think it's just bread (not the lunch).

Yesterday was Middle Minion's 16th birthday. I can't believe he's 16 already!

Too tired to write more. I stayed up too late doing homework, and I had to get up really early to take a shower. Himself got to experience my grumpiness in the early morning first hand when I told him to shove it and let me sleep. I probably have a little groveling to do.

M (the very sleepy)

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Just a quick post to say this quarter is going to be insane! I have to do about 10 prints for photo 103 (if I can get in!), and my math instructor is crazy! He was named after a Norse god, and he made us say his name over and over again. He's a runner who doesn't need coffee, and I think I may have to hurt him if this continues. Either that, or I start brewing a strong cup of coffee at home and bring it with me to class.

More later, I have to go see a Norse god about some homework.


Monday, April 03, 2006

That sound came out of you?!

Just the other day, Himself was lying on the bed reading the newspaper. Miss Thang was happily nestled between his knees and according to Himself, she was purring really hard. Miss Thang is a very small cat, but the biggest noises come out of that very small body. Little Princess is very lady-like when it comes to her bodily functions. She has been known to go into another room to fart (unfortunately those farts follow her into the room where everyone is sitting, and they are very smelly), and the only noises I have ever heard from her were various kinds of meow. Miss Thang, on the other hand, is very un-ladylike when it comes to anything. She'll sit in the middle of a room, surrounded by people, and promptly bathe very carefully. Every hair must be in place and tacked down with enough cat-spit to drown a fish. She is very noisy when she bathes, making sure everyone knows what she is doing.

Another thing Miss Thang is not known for is her manners. She will fart in the middle of the room and look proud of the impressive sound that came out of her little butt. Himself told me that while he was reading his newspaper, he heard a new noise come out of Miss Thang: She burped. I guess it wasn't all that quiet, either. Himself looked at Miss Thang, and she licked her lips and gave him the 'pet me now' look she gives anyone who looks at her.

We love our cats, and we've been constantly surprised by them. Mom says that if we're surprised by the cats, then just wait until we have kids. The sad thing is, right now the cats are the kids.

More later. I have lots of math homework.