Monday, September 25, 2006

New Quarter

My first day of math class was today, and the instructor seems pretty cool. He's not like my last math instructor (the Norse God), but he seems nice enough. When I first saw him, I thought he was one of the students (just a very tall student nearly right out of high school). I think he's either in his late twenties or early thirties, but he looks about my age. No homework, ever, in that class (he doesn't want to spend all his time grading papers), but we are encouraged to do some practice problems in each section. We'll have quizs about twice a week, and he says he makes the quizs harder than the actual test. We'll see.

Tomorrow is the first day of kick boxing, and it's also my first day off this week. I arranged that with my manager at work, since I'm not sure how the kick boxing is going to effect (or is it affect? I can never tell those two apart) me. Every Tuesday and Thursday I'll have off, and I'm not going to work past about 8pm. That will probably change closer to the holidays, but for right now, it's nice.

Himself and I have been talking about children a lot more, and we may actually have a name picked out if we ever have a girl. The boy name was easy. My manager is almost due (if you ask her, she's ready now), but she and her husband have yet to settle on a first name. They have a middle name, but for now he is known as Bean.

Yesterday was a tough night at work. We were booked solid, and people were still trying to get in. We even had one woman gripe about not being able to get her pictures taken right then, even though the coupon she has said 'no appointment necessary'. My other manager (I have about three of them, one main manager and two assistants) had to explain to her that we usually do take walk-ins, but there were two other people on the list ahead of her, and all our apointments were coming in. She kept asking if the other walk-ins were there in the store, and my manager had to explain to her that we call them to let them know that we can take them in the order they come in. I think we had only a couple of no-shows yesterday. I'm not sure why the weekends are so busy now, since there is only one holiday coming up, but it's not for another month. People are also starting to make apointments for November and December. Scary!

I'm hoping to talk to the photo instructor about using the darkroom at school to work on my project. I want to be able to enter something for the Fair next year, and I want to enter into a couple of other contests. That means I have to get some models together to talk about the details.

Well, that's it for now.


P.S. I apologize for any possible spelling mistakes, the spell check isn't working on my computer. ::Grrrrr::


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