Sunday, October 22, 2006

Quick Post

I have to start work in about a half hour, so I decided to write a quick post before. I think I'm going to sign up for the NaBloPoMo, and hopefully I'll be able to post everyday.

Scary Math Girl was at it again on Friday. She seemed to be okay on Thursday, actually asking questions and taking notes, but on Friday, she was giving lip to Boring Math Guy. Whenever he did a problem on the board, she would ask if it was a problem from the book. Most of the problems were, but he didn't know what page they were on. She constantly asked him to do a problem from the book, so he got a little irritated and told her that they were. She asked where with a very challenging look on her face, and he just looked at her and said 'I don't know, look it up.' She was NOT happy with this response, and was even less happy with the quiz he passed out halfway through the class. She makes it fun to stay awake through class, just seeing what she'll do next.

Himself starts his vacation today, and he's fully planning on enjoying every minute of it. We're going to clean the Mini Manor so we can have a Christmas tree this year (which reminds me, I need to find a steam cleaner for the carpet), and we have to renew our lease so we can live there a little longer (although we may move into the apartment right under us since they're turning it into one of the 'new' apartments).

Well, like I said, quick post.



Blogger groovyoldlady said...

Using your husband's vacation to clean your house Hmmmmm.

7:08 AM  
Blogger Morrigan Le Fey said...

It needs to be done. He was the one to suggest it a couple of weeks ago when we thought we were going to have a Halloween party there. Now we're thinking about moving into the appartment downstairs, so we still need to clean.


9:10 AM  

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