Friday, October 06, 2006

Ohhh my legs!

I had my first real day of Kickboxing, (I had to miss the first couple of days because of my truck being dead) and I have never felt such pain before! It hurts to climb stairs, which really sucks because the Mini Manor is on the second story of our building, and my math class is on the second story of the math building. My arms hurt a little (mostly my shoulders) from all the punching, but it's my legs that hurt the most. Crazy P.E Teacher kept telling the class what a great ab workout this was, but I didn't feel it anywhere near my abs! Then again, I have pretty strong ab muscles because of the bellydancing I do, I just have a little more flub covering those muscles than I would really like. My mother-in-law calls it insulation, but if that's true, then why am I so cold all the time?!

I just got Himself part of his anniversary gift the other day, and I have to wait a little longer to get the other part. I'm really hoping the store still has it by the time I get paid again, but if they don't, I have a back-up plan. I have a very strong suspicion that I'm going to be getting The Little Mermaid on DVD as my gift from him. I've left hints that Little Mermaid was one of my favorite movies growing up (in fact, I think it was the first movie I ever saw in the theater), and the hint that Himself gave me was 'water'. I can't believe it's been only two years since we got married! I'm not sure if this is a good thing or not, but it feels like we've been married a lot longer than that!

Well, it'll be a short one today, since I still have to head into work and talk about what time I'm leaving on Sunday. Silly me offered to stay until the last appointment on Sunday since one of the girls has to leave early.



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