Thursday, October 12, 2006

Free Bibles

Every so often my school is littered with older men in black leather jackets lurking about with boxes full of little green books. If an unsuspecting student walks by, they pounce on them offering free bibles. Usually they scatter themselves around campus and stay put, luring the students to come closer so they can make their move while still protecting their stash of bibles. I usually try to avoid these people, but today it was harder than usual. Why? Because they were standing on every corner from the math building to the library (they're across campus from each other, and there are a lot of corners between the buildings)! There was even one in the library, asking students as they walked in and out of the building. I hate it when they come to the school, because I end up getting asked if I want a free bible every time I take a step.

Being of the non-Christian persuasion, I'm slightly offended by these men (never women) because if you don't take a bible, they look down their noses at you. If you wear another religious symbol (like I do. I wear a goddess symbol with a tiny pentagram on it), they really try to push those bibles. I don't mind Christians (they really are lovely people), but the fanatics really bother me. I once had some guy knock on my door a couple of years ago and ask me if I wanted to go to a concert that was being held at his church. I politely declined, and he had the stones to ask me why. I told him I wasn't Christian, and again he asked me why. Finally I told him that I was Pagan, and I was about to start my morning ritual and would he like to join me? The poor, hapless man was a little flustered by that, but he told me that I was 'the lost sheep that God told him to find'. That got under my skin and I told him that God's a stalker and I'm not a sheep. Baaaa!

I'm still tempted to use that same line when the guys with the free bibles ask me why I don't want one. I'm also tempted to tell them that their religion is insulting to women, and what really happened between the time Jesus was told he was the son of God and the time he started tearing up merchant's stands. See them get really flustered.

On a less ranty/religion note, Himself and I have part of the day off together, and we plan on spending it at the Halloween store not far from where we live. I plan on getting him something from there for our anniversary, but I kind of want him to look at it first (to find out if he likes it or not). I'm not going to tell him that's what he's getting, just find out what he likes. I can be sneaky like that! Mom taught me well.

We started doing round-house kicks in kick-boxing, and I started getting really good. Then the instructor (I don't have a nickname for him yet) started telling us to basically do a really big circle by doing a front kick, a side kick, a back kick, and a round-house. Sounds pretty easy, but I'm not coordinated enough to pull that off yet.

Well, that's all for now. I might have more tomorrow.



Blogger Karen said...

Gee, Spawn, tell us how you really feel! ;)

2:23 PM  
Blogger groovyoldlady said...

My husband wanted to be Gideon, but they wouldn't let him join because he has long hair (longer than mine) and he doesn't own a suit.

They mean well, but I'm afraid they, as a group, don't know well how to identify with young college folk.

Don't judge the Bible by the suits or by the noses. :-)

5:14 AM  
Blogger Karen said...

Wow, what would hair length have to do with strength of faith?

It's too bad they don't identify with the very people they're trying to reach. It's hard to not be distrustful of folks when they've knocked you around the sanctuary a few times (emotionally and spiritually, not physically).

11:03 AM  
Blogger Karen said...

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7:03 AM  

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