Monday, October 16, 2006

More Math

Today the class was presented with this problem on the board: At an outdoor concert, 3 seats are added to each row. There are 25 rows and 1200 seats after the seats were added. How many seats were in each row before the seats were added? Most Boring (and Complicated) Math Teacher went into a whole x and y thing (y= total seats, x=seats per row), and finally came up with the answer (x=45). There was a lot of dividing and multiplying involved, but I got the answer before him. I simply divided 1200 by 25 (which is 48 for those people who are curious) and subtracted 3. What is it about math that makes people over complicate things?

Simple math seems to escape some of the customers we had last night, too. Sittings take longer to get through when we only have three camera rooms, and we're short two photographers. Let's see... About 32 sittings for the day, three camera rooms, two and a half photographers (one of the girls was also selling portraits). I bet if I threw in a couple of variables I would have a pretty nifty math problem (or I could just solve it using basic math), but it boiled down to everyone being really stressed out and one very exhausting night. I wasn't supposed to work until three in the afternoon, but they called me in early because of the first no-show. Oh well, it means more hours on my next paycheck.

I think I'll have some pictures done of me in my pirate costume on Saturday (I actually have a weekend day off this week!). I've been working on this costume for a little while, and now I only need two more things to make it perfect. I need some boots and a red scarf to put around my hair (the scarf goes on the head, not the boots, although that would be in interesting costume too...). I have a couple of shirts to go with the leather stay I have (got that treasure at the big ren faire Himself and I went to with Photo Girl and her boyfriend), and I was thinking about finding some pants to go with them too. I have a skirt, but it's more of a wench skirt than a pirate skirt (wench...pirate...what's the difference?), but throw on a pair of nifty boots and I'll be able to make it pirate-y.

Himself still doesn't know when his vacation starts. We both thought it was the second or third week in October, but now we're not so sure. He's going to call the main office and find out today so we can start planning some kind of Halloween party.

Well, that's all folks!



Blogger Karen said...

Math... I solved it the same way you did. One night we were over at The Great Engineer's house playing some kind of board game. La Petit Matriarch decided she'd had enough when we pulled up some math problem question.

Lord of the Manor, the Great Engineer, and I all solved the problem, got the same answer, and worked it three different ways. My solution was fastest and simplest, which totally flummoxed the two males in the room.

The Great Engineer said, "Well, you may have gotten it right, but if you'd done it my way, you would have done it the right way."
"If I'd done it your way, I would have gotten it wrong, but we never would have known because I'd still be working on it five years from now."

That man doesn't have much of a sense of humor when it comes to math.

9:41 AM  
Blogger Morrigan Le Fey said...

There was another problem, but I have to have Himself explain it to me before I post it. Something about miles and rental cars. I think I know the easy way to solve it, but I need my handy calculator to be sure. There was the adding and subtracting of a mysterious 1 that still has me cornfoozled.

I remember that game. Well, at least I remember you telling be about it. Oh well. Engineers like to make things as complicated as possible so we have to pay them to fix things. Remember the truck...


10:15 AM  
Blogger groovyoldlady said...

I just got an email. On it was a right triangle. 2 sides are labeled and one is called "X". The instructions say, "Find X." Someone circled the X, pointed to it with an arrow and wrote, "Here it is!"

Now that's MY kind of math!

9:30 AM  
Blogger Writer-Savant said...

I see that you decided not to go with my idea of combining them and going as a fairy/vampire/pirate. It would definately win the "Most Original Costume" award. And speaking of Halloween, when's the party?

3:04 PM  

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