Saturday, September 30, 2006

Feeling Better

Today I feel much better than I have in the past couple of days. The only downside was yesterday when I had to push my truck up a speedbump and a small incline because it decided to die on me. Fortunately it was payday, so I was able to afford the new battery I needed. Since I didn't have a vehicle at all, I had to walk to the nearest auto supply store (it's only about a block and a half away) and walk back with the battery. For the record, those things are really heavy! I installed the battery myself (with the help of a maintenance guy who almost had the right tool. I needed a socket wrench, but the pair of vice-grips he had in his toolbox did the trick). I started up my truck and took it for a ride around the block to get everything moving again.

Himself and I actually have two days off next week, but Tuesday I'm starting my project (that reminds me, I need to get some more film), and Thursday he has his meat-cutting class. I would postpone my photography, but I only have two weeks in the darkroom. The photo instructor told me that was as long as he could give me without getting into trouble. I still plan on spending as much time with Himself as possible next week (although he has his vacation in about two weeks, so that will be nice).

Right now there is an irritating small child humming loudly (and very off key) on the other side of the table I'm working on. I tried the shushing noise, but I think she's wearing headphones. It's the same song, over and over again. Thank god she left. It actually wasn't a small child like I thought, but a woman in her twenties or thirties.

I still don't feel 100% better (which may account for my slightly grumpy mood), so I think I'll wrap it up here and shop for my manager's baby shower gift.



Blogger groovyoldlady said...

Glad you're feeling better!

I had to laugh about the "irritating small child". I live with 2 of them 24/7 and I can easily become one when I get a song stuck in my head and I'm in public.

It's just not safe to let some of us out of the house!

3:55 PM  
Blogger Karen said...

I'm a public hummer too, only I don't always know it. (and it's NEVER save to let me out in public...)

9:44 AM  
Blogger Morrigan Le Fey said...

No, Mom, it isn't safe to let you out in public.

I hum too sometimes, but when I'm in a quiet place I try to keep the humming to a minimum.

8:44 AM  

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