Sunday, November 12, 2006

Day 12

I can't believe NaBloPoMo is almost half over! Today has been pretty nice, except for the drooling skies and the threat of wind. I guess the weather forecasts have been calling for lots of wind, but not much of that has hit us where I live.

I'm thinking of getting Santa pictures of the furry girls this year. There is a Santa right out in front of my store, and I think he has pet days so people who have furry children can have pictures too.

Again, my thoughts are kind of scattered today. I'm thinking about how I'm going to survive this holiday season at work. So far it's been only the weekends that are crazy, but from what I've heard, once Christmas looms closer, then the weekdays will be just as hellish. Goody. So far we've mostly had irate parents (usually moms) complain about how they've had to wait for a long time to take/see their pictures. What I don't think they realize is that we only have three camera rooms, and a district manager that requires us to book up those rooms completely. That way we can bring in as much money as possible. What this district manager doesn't realize is that sittings take longer than 20 minutes, especially when there is a 3 or 4 year old involved.

That's enough of my work rant. The holidays will be over soon enough, and we won't be crazy again until Valentine's day.

Well, that's about it for today. I don't have enough time to write more. The computer I'm on decided to freeze on me before I could even log on, so my time was cut much shorter than I would like.



Blogger groovyoldlady said... make me so glad I'm a SAHM. All my stressful days are self induced!

5:41 AM  
Blogger Morrigan Le Fey said...

I'm looking forward to being a SHAM. I'll probably stay at home for a litle while, then go back to work for a time. Depends on what we can afford when that time comes.


8:24 AM  

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