Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Life in general

I found out yesterday that I'm only scheduled for 14 hours this week! That's a bad thing, since Himself and I may be relying more on my paycheck then on his. We're trying to put as much money into savings as possible before we buy a house, so this means that more of his paycheck will be used for rent and food, and my checks will be used for bills and food.

Himself and I had a wonderful visit with his parents the other day. My in-laws were so happy to see me, they started fighting over who gets to spend more time with me. Himself finally interjected when they started with the 'I got to her first' argument.

His response? 'I got to her first'.

We had a lovely chat about school (his mom is a teacher) and work, and Himself updated his parents on the cats latest antics. My father-in-law (a very large, slightly imposing man) loves his grand-kitties almost as much as if they were real children. Last year he asked Himself and I to bring Little Princess (we didn't have Miss Thang yet) over for Christmas Eve stockings and presents. We hadn't planned on packing her into her crate (she is not a big fan of traveling, seeing as the last time she went anywhere we put her down in an unfamiliar place and flashed a bright light in her face), but the look on my father-in-law's face made us change our minds. He was so happy to see her, he picked her up and cuddled with her almost all day. Quite a sight!

We've been working on actually having a target in kick-boxing. We partner up with someone, shove on gloves and hold a pad the covers most of the lower torso. My partner and I like to yell at each other, and she likes to try to knock me down. This is amusing because she's about three or four inches shorter than me (I have to hold the pad really low for her to hit the center when we're doing the kicks). I've lost about two inches on my waist since the class (I'm not going by weight since we're building muscle and muscle is heavier than fat), and I've noticed that my arms are a lot stronger. Yea me!



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