Friday, November 10, 2006

Ultra-fast post

I only have about 10 minutes before the internet cafe closes, so this will be a really fast post.

Today I had a day off from both work and school. This wasn't planned, and one of the girls tried calling me in to cover her shift, but I had to say no, since I was waiting to get my brakes fixed on my truck. Unfortunately the guy at the auto-repair place couldn't get me in right away, so I had to wait. With waiting comes forgetting, and forgetting brings no new brakes. I'll probably find out what time they close tomorrow and I'll drop my truck off after work. Either that or I'll just bring it in on Tuesday after school. Don't know yet.

Himself and I are probably going to go out to dinner (we have a gift card to one of our favorite restaurants, so we'll use that) to celebrate our anniversary tomorrow night. We didn't have the chance to do that yet, since we both have to work, and he still hasn't gotten paid for his vacation. We finally found out what happened, and we're hoping that he'll get paid either this next paycheck or the one after that. The person doing payroll posted his vacation hours after posting the rest of payroll, so it wasn't processed at the same time.

Well, that's about all I have time for today, I'll post more tomorrow.



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