Friday, November 03, 2006


Himself just found out today that someone goofed, and he didn't get paid for his vacation last week. He said he was going to look into it today, so hopefully we'll be receiving a really nice paycheck this next week. We renewed our lease the other day, so the Mini Manor is still ours for the next year. We had been thinking about moving into the apartment downstairs from us, but it would have been too expensive.

Work was fun yesterday, since it was mainly training. I feel weird saying that since I've been there for about 3 or 4 months, but our photography changed, so we have to go over the new stuff. We already did about half the training before Halloween, but since the higher-ups are not all there in the brains department (they hadn't developed or tested all the photography at the same time), we finished the training yesterday. At least we're done training until January. That's when we start training with digital cameras, and in February we go totally digital! That's going to be so cool, since now we can get down on the ground with the child and really get the cool shots.

Well, that's about it for today. I didn't do much today, so this is going to be a short post.



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