Monday, November 06, 2006

Holiday Brain-Droppings

Well, the Magical Night was fun, and despite my limited funds this year, I got a couple of gifts purchased, and I have ideas for other gifts. My father-in-law has an infatuation with elephants, and he has quite the collection. I usually try to get him something with an elephant on it every year (except the first year, since I didn't know about the collection). I balance that out with something with an iris on it for my mother-in-law (her favorite flower. She has iris decorations on the walls, and last year I gave her an iris tree decoration), so both in-laws are happy campers. This has also elevated me to favorite child in the family.

I still haven't purchased anything for Himself, but when you live in a very small manor, you learn that it's very hard to hide anything. Actually, if you want to forget that you bought a gift already, or forget where you hid the original gift, then hiding things in the Mini Manor is very easy, just not recommended. I'll probably put his gift off until the last minute (at least as last minute as I'm comfortable with), just to keep the location fresh in my mind.

Mom had a very successful shopping trip last night, but we both wish we could pull names for the extended family before the Magical Night so we can get that shopping over with. Tradition says we MUST pull names on Thanksgiving, and not a moment sooner. A few years ago, we pulled names on Christmas day for the next year, but people kept forgetting who they pulled. Mom and I didn't, but then again, we both shop throughout the year for Christmas gifts. It's also very hard to get that side of the family to stray from tradition at all. If we ever served a 'non-traditional' dish at either Thanksgiving or Christmas, it is met with raised eyebrows. People will eat it unless it has something 'disgusting' in it (like Mayo, cheese, onions, tomatoes, almost any green veggie...It's a family of picky eaters, what can I say. I still love them, though).

Well, again, that's all for today. I hope to get some more gifts in the next week or so, that way I only have to get the gifts for the extended family (when we get around to pulling names), and one for Himself's family (who also draws names on Thanksgiving. This should be interesting).



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