Saturday, November 04, 2006


Himself found out why he didn't get paid for his vacation (he had to call his home store and let them know that he was going on vacation), so we should be getting a really nice paycheck this coming week. The only problem is that rent is due tomorrow, and we only have a small part of it set aside (since we both thought that he would be getting paid). He is going to talk to the people at the office to see if we can pay the part we have, then give them the rest after payday.

Rain has been pouring down for the past two days, and people are starting to look a little water-logged. It's not even a warm rain, it's cold and wet and it makes me grumpy. I don't mind a day or two of soft rain, even mist, but I hate the cold, pouring rain that is so often happening here in the great northwest.

Tomorrow is the Magical Night of Giving, and Killer and The Hair will be joining Mom and I for the first time. Mom and I always look forward to this time of year, and we have our game plan all figured out. We go pick up Killer and The Hair, then we go to the mall where we secure a shopping cart and get some food. It's all great fun, but my first stop will be the shoe store, since my shoes have decided die. Water now leaks into them whenever I step into a deep puddle (which with this rain is pretty often).

Well, that's about it for today.



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