Friday, April 20, 2007

A new beginning

I've been at my new job for just a couple of weeks now, but I really enjoy it. There are no irate parents yelling at me because my magic wand is broken and I can't get their kids to sit still long enough to focus the camera. There are no bright lights that trigger my migraines, and the best part is I get to play with makeup and lotions.

I put in my two weeks at the picture hell, and my last day is Monday. I'll miss having two jobs, but I just got off the phone with my boss at my new job, and she has an idea to make it all worth it: Promote me to a full time management position (she needs a full time senior assistant manager) after only being there a couple of weeks. I'm very excited and I plan on taking the promotion as soon as it's officially offered to me. This is too cool!!!

I just had to send that out, my spirit is feeling lighter now that I'll be gone from the studio (although part of me is kind of sad that I'll be leaving my co-workers whom I've become close to), and I'll be getting not only an hours increase, but a pay increase too!


Sunday, April 15, 2007


Himself and I have finally joined the many hordes of people and bought a laptop. It's going to be mainly used for my photography stuff (I have photoshop on there, and it runs like a pro), but Himself will be using it for his class when he needs to connect to the internet.

The furry girls are their usual selves, chasing each other and causing as much mayhem as they can.

As of the 24th of this month, I will no longer be working at the picture hell. I put in my two weeks after a particularly difficult day. One of the managers (who was recently promoted to her current position) has been playing her power card a little too often, and most of us are really tired of it. She talks to us like we're mentally special three year olds who have no concept of what we're supposed to do during our work-shift. This wouldn't be so bad if she didn't do it every time I worked with her. Even her friends in the studio are telling her to back off a little with the power plays. I'm not going to sever my ties with the studio completely, I've told them that if they need an extra body in the lab during the busy times to give me a call, and I'll see if I'm working at my new job.

That's right, blog readers, I finally got myself a new job. I now sell lotions and face-stuff. It's a much easier job, and I'm not having to deal with screaming kids and their parents who insist they get their pictures taken even if the kids don't want to. Now I get to distract kids while their parents shop. Much easier when you're not trying to force a three year old to sit still and smile at the camera!

That's about all for now. Things are pretty 'normal' around here ;o)