Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Back to the grindstone

Well, winter break was fun, but now it's time to start school again. I'm hoping that this quarter will be somewhat easy, another photo class and an art history class this time. It really bites when none of my classes start really early, but I still have to get onto campus no later than 7am just so I can find parking, so I seem to have a couple of hours on my hands, and no homework to do to pass the time. Maybe I'll take a nap. There are a couple of guys using the chairs as their own personal bed away from home, and it actually looks pretty comfy.

Well, my New Year started out not so much with a bang, but with a loud thud. Himself really wanted to go to a friend's house for a party, but I wasn't feeling well enough to go and actually enjoy myself, so I told Himself that he should go, just as long as he was home by midnight. Well, to make a long story short (actually the story really isn't that long, so it's more like to make a short story shorter), midnight came and went, and Himself wasn't home. He didn't get there until 1ish in the morning, when I was all set to go to bed. It was an improvement over the first New Year we had after we got married, he didn't come home until 4am or so. Not that he's a party kind of male, but he has a tendency to loose track of time (which I still find hard to do on New Year's Eve, since MIDNIGHT is the time when every one starts screaming and lighting off fireworks, which if there was drinking involved, sometimes get switched), and by the time he realizes how late it is, the damage is already done.

Still on the look-out for a new job. I have a really good chance at one, I just have to finish the application and turn it in today when I get out of class. I'm really hoping I get this job, and since it starts in the morning and goes until the early afternoon, I can still go to school and finish getting my photography certificate.

I have figured out what to get my youngest brother for Christmas (and possibly his birthday too) from now on. This year, since money was tight, Himself and I mostly made all of the gifts. Most Minor Minion got a large box (who am I kidding, the thing was HUGE!) with a coconut inside. Now that might sound really weird (might nothing, it does sound weird, but then again, that's my youngest brother in a nutshell), but he loves Monty Python and the Holy Grail, so the coconut is for him to prepare himself and use as his 'horse' like they do in the movie. I'm not sure if I should be worried that his favorite movie is Holy Grail, or rejoice that he's showing some sense of humor, no matter how twisted Monty Python can be.

I finally got to see Serenity, and it's a pretty good movie. There were a lot of actors that I tried to place, and now I kind of want to see the t.v show. Fortunately I have connections (not really, a friend of mine has the series on DVD, so all I have to do is ask her if we can watch it and she'll jump at the chance to see it over and over and over....). I really want to look some of those people up to find out what I've seen them in, some of them I already know. Joss Wedon seems to enjoy using his actors in other things too. The main character in Serenity also played a really creepy preacher in Buffy, so unfortunatly that's all I see him as, same with one of the female leads (she didn't play a really creepy preacher on Buffy, but she played a really cool bad guy on Angel. Okay so I'm a geek, but I'm fun!).

Okay, I have to go, I'm starting to make no sense, and spelling anything is becomeing a n issue.



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