Thursday, March 09, 2006


I seem to be getting better at this whole color thing. This time it too me two hours (or so) to do two prints. I'm really happy with the second one, and once it's matted, I'm putting it on my wall for sure. One of the other prints I've been working on is a picture of a bunch of Amy Brown fairies hanging in a shop window (I love her work. I have about 5 of her paintings in my living-room, and I'm always on the look-out for more). I think that one is going on the wall too. Himself was teasing me about the number of prints that are going on the walls of our very tiny apartment. I tell him that when we move into a house, we'll have some really nice prints to put on the walls.

Next quarter I think I want to start printing on different paper. This whole 8x10 RC thing is fun, but I really like the look of 11x14 fiber when it's been matted and framed. Besides, most of the prints from next quarter are going to be portraits, so it'll be good to have larger ones. Now I just have to get everyone together when the time comes. I plan on taking a lot of pictures when I go and visit my grandparents, and if I can find someone to go with me, I might just go visit during my spring break (Mom has a different spring break than me).

All of the pictures are going to be in black and white (color is fun, and it's cheaper, but I really miss black and white, besides it's harder to find 11x14 color paper)

The weather today has been odd (that's putting it lightly). It started snowing (after I thought that it would stay cold but sunny for a little longer) this morning, then the sun came out. I guess the weather people are saying that it's going to snow again tonight and be gone by tomorrow. This weekend is supposed to be sunny and warmer than it has been in a while.

I can't wait until summer. Everything starts for me in late July when Himself and I go to the Scottish Highland Games for the day. Big Green Friend goes there to drink and listen to music (in that order. Usually at the same time, too). Himself and I usually split a drink (a really good mix of a beer and a hard cider. It's called a Black Apple) and listen to music. Sometimes I'll go up and dance (the bagpipe group does an awesome belly-dance song that I dance to). This year I'll be taking lots of pictures too. Something good for the portfolio class I have to take eventually.



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