Wednesday, February 22, 2006


I finally caught the cold that has been going around campus, and boy is it taking me for a ride! My cousin caught the same cold (probably from his work), so he decided to try that new Airborne stuff that my last photography teacher was raving about last quarter. It seemed to really work for him, he started feeling better about 5 minutes after taking the first dose, but all it did for me was make me feel like the floor was really far away. I kept going back and forth between lying down on the floor by the fire, and playing on the computer and talking to people on the phone. This morning I slept through my alarm, and got up by the time I usually have to leave. In my panic, I forgot that my class starts at 9 (not 8 like I was thinking). The other photo instructor probably thinks I'm a complete moron since I was waiting in the classroom for a class that wouldn't start for another hour.

God I hate colds. They always make me feel off. Wait, I always feel off...hmmmmm.



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