Friday, February 17, 2006


The middle of this winter had been wet, but not all that cold. It was so wet we were nearing the record of rainfall, but fell short of it by a couple of days. Some people were bummed (I was not one of them), others relieved due to their close proximity of a rapidly rising river. I was to the point where if we had one more day of rain, I was going to start climbing the walls and to my best Spiderman impression (that would probably have amused the cats to no end. They would look at each other and ask 'why is mommy climbing the walls?')

Now it's cold. Very cold. We haven't had much rain, but that doesn't matter. It's so cold, the second I step outside, my eyes freeze to my eyelids. I have to convince my body to keep moving in the original direction, otherwise, my feet would promptly turn around and head back up to the nice warm bed, and my body would attempt hibernation. The wind doesn't help much, either. The sky is blue, and the sun is bright, but its too...damn...cold!

You must excuse me, I have to finish thawing now.



Blogger Karen said...

If you allow anonymous comments, Aunt T can post too. So can Aunt Baboon, if she ever gets done with her homework.


12:55 PM  

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