George Carlin-a rant
1. Lame-duck Governments (well, actually the government we have right now, especially the President we have right now)
2. People who hurt other people for fun ('nuff said on this one)
3. People who hurt animals (the only exception I have for this one is... Wait, there is no exception for this one)
4. Bullies (I had enough of them throughout elementary school, I really don't want to deal with them now)
5. Know-it-alls (people who think they know everything. Kind of goes along with the whole bully thing)
6. Self-riotous bastards (people who think they're above any and all laws, and who think that they can do anything they want. These are the people who start religious wars 'in the name of God'. I know several of them, and they all really piss me off every time they open their mouths or put their hands to a keyboard)
7. Religious zealots (my religion has been hunted by these people for hundreds of years, even though it came first. I'm proud of my Pagan ways, and people who want to call me a Witch really should find out if that's actually an insult. It isn't, by the way)
8. Gay-bashers and people who think gays shouldn't be allowed to be married (I have worked with gay people before, and to he honest, they are more like real people than some of the heterosexuals I've met. People who say homosexual people aren't as loving and committed as heterosexual couples obviously have never seen a homosexual couple in love before. I'll probably blog about this some more later. Pretty hot subject.)
I'm sure there is more, but that's all I can think of right now. There is no order to this list, and chances are, it will leak into other posts. Lists have a habit of doing that sometimes.
Now, for a better list:
1. Himself (It's not just because I have to put him on here, it's because I'm a better person when I'm with him)
2. My family (Even the Minions. I was probably not the easiest teen to be around, especially since I am a lot like my mom, but they stood by and let the hurricane pass)
3. My girls (one is now a moody teenager, the other is at that awkward age where nothing seems right, but hormones are ruling everything. Himself is very alone in the female angst-y world that is the Mini Manor)
4. My sense of humor (if it wasn't for that, many of the things going on right now would push me over the edge. Certain things are harder to turn into something funny, but I usually try to let those roll away from me anyway)
5. My friends (again, I'm not the easiest person to get along with, but most of my friends have stuck by be for a really long time.)
6. Other bloggers (it's a nice network of people from other places. Sort of a support group you never have to look straight in the eye when you tell them you're okay. There are a couple of exceptions to this, but they know who they are. Hell, they 'don't even read my blog' (yet they seem to know my age), so mentioning them by name would be pointless, but the ones who are really great should know who they are too. My mom, Katie, Indigo, Mid, Groovy. People who make me laugh)
7. My blog (I can get the writing-bugs out of my fingers, and it doesn't have to make a lot of sense! I don't have to remember all the rules for dialogue or page breaks here!)
8. Finally, I am grateful for my life (if I wasn't here, I wouldn't have anything to do!)
Okay, that's enough for now. I have to see Himself before he rides off to work.