Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Today was freezing, and someone forgot to turn the heat on in the gym at school. Fortunately we're working pretty hard, so we didn't feel the cold so much.

I just looked out the window of the school library to see a cascade of falling leaves the color of gold. I love this time of year, because we're treated with so much visual stimulation.

Last night I woke up to find a small furry body pressed up against me on one side, and another on the other side. The cats decided that it was much warmer under the covers than out in the living room (their usual sleeping place), so they dove under while I was rolling over. I felt one whisk by me when I lifted the blankets, and I think the other just wormed under at some point. Himself and I don't mind having the cats under the blankets, but it does cause me to sleep very carefully on one side. I'm always paranoid that I'll roll over and...

Today is too cold to do much of anything. My hands hurt from the cold, and from kick boxing. We used the gloves and pads today, and I feel the work out much more than before. We used to just kick and punch the air, which doesn't require much concentration or strength. Now that we have a target, we have to focus on where to hit the pad, and we have to try to push our partner back when we punch and kick. Lots of fun, but lots of work, too.

Well, that's about it for today. Himself and I are going to celebrate our anniversary tomorrow, since I have the day off from school and I'm thinking of calling in sick tomorrow. I actually don't feel well (it's the weather change. This morning when I woke up, I had such a cough that I woke Himself up), so we may be taking it easy. Probably go and visit the in-laws for a little while (they've been complaining that they don't see enough of me), and then go out for dinner later. Good times.



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