Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Are we There Yet?

Today I'm going to get my cartilage pierced again. A friend of mine is going with me so I can squeeze his arm (as much as I think the piercing looks cool, it hurts like nothing else), and then we're going to hang out for a little while. Sounds like a pretty boring day, but I'm just glad it's my day off. I'm also going to get my brakes fixed on my truck (I don't fancy going down the hill from school only to find out that my brakes don't work anymore), so I'll be walking everywhere I want to go for a little while. Hopefully the guy at the repair place has a truck mount available (last time he had a big repair job on the truck mount, so I had to wait, unfortunately I forgot to call him back to find out if the mount was ready for me) so I can drop off Baby Truck and be on my merry way.

I think I getting in better shape, because I don't feel as tired after Kick-Boxing as I used to. I still sweat a lot, but that's the whole point (not only that, but the gym is usually pretty warm in the morning). I got to work with my usual partner (she was in class today), so I feel like I got a better work-out than on Thursday. Himself still thinks that I can't beat him down (we spar sometimes. He wrestled for about seven years and he's teaching me some of the wrestling moves he remembers), but I think I could defend myself if the need arose.

All the days are blending. Is it day 13 or 14 of NaBloPoMo? As much as I'm enjoying posting everyday, I am looking forward to the end of the month. Once work gets really busy (from what I've heard, what we have on the weekends is just a taste of what December is going to be like. I guess the entire month of December feels like one big weekend) I probably wont have as much time to post everyday.

Well, that's all for today I guess.



Blogger Karen said...

Ah, yes, forgetting the days. That's why I numbered my post from the very beginning. I would have lost count by day two if I hadn't.

5:41 PM  

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